Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Empress

The Empress     

Today's deck is the Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan.

I was really lucky to have had my first profesional tarot reading done by Ellen Dugan.   It was really awesome because afterwards, we had a chance to talk about the cards and inspiration for them.   We talked about reversals.  This particular deck is printed in such a way that it is very easy to not use reversals.  Reversals are an interesting concept, with some people viewing them as 'opposite' meanings and others taking an approach that upright cards represent external influences whereas reversed cards represent internal influences.

Me? I don't care for reversals much, and I think it has to do more with not liking upside down cards than having an issue with two meanings.

Ms. Dugan is also a published fiction writer, and at that time, I was not (I am now:  my novel is called Spell Me the Truth and is available on Amazon).   I was still toying with the name as well as whether to pursue self-publication or attempt to get an agent to represent me.   I eventually decided on self-publishing.    We also talked about the prologue to my book.   Her advice was that I should cut the prologue, and I did take that into consideration.  However, while I did not take her advice ultimately, that does not mean I ignored it.   I thought very hard about what she had suggested, and her reasoning about it – prologues are generally frowned upon.   That said, there are exceptions to every rule.   While I ultimately kept my prologue, there are strong reasons for it.

Shortly after my reading by Ms. Dugan, I went to New Orleans and had my cards read there.  I did feel more connected to the reading I had with this deck by the author.   The one in New Orleans used the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot deck, which is not one of my favorites.   (Okay, I’ll be honest, I don’t like that deck at all.)   

Of the two readings, Ms. Dugan’s was a lot easier to follow.   She used a more logical reading format than the one in New Orleans.  

The Witches Tarot is actually my husband's deck, not mine.   He bought the Witchy Tarot because he wanted a witch tarot.   I do not recommend that deck at all, but because of it, he did not have the tarot he wanted, so I got him this one.   Between us, we presently have over 50 decks, so I will be using a different deck every day. Some will be mine and some will be his.

So anyway, onto the Empress card

First impressions:  she makes me think of Vikings, and I feel Freya.   This image does have a few glare flares from my overhead lighting, because the cards are very glossy.

She is sitting on a throne, surrounded by symbols of fertility.... the rabit, the wheat.   She wears a crown of stars, symbolizing her connection to the planets and planetary bodies.  She seems herself to be pregnant.   This is a card of fertility, creativity, embracing of the divine feminine within.  She is in nature and part of nature.  The Empress does not belong in a stuffy room.  She belongs outdoors, in nature, because she is nature. 

The spread I am using today was given to me by Mitchell Haygood.  It's a basic five card spread, but really beefed up.   The basic spread is Situation, Past, Present, Near Future, and Outcome; however, it is built in with clarifiers.    I don't normally use clarifiers, but they are frequently helpful.

First Card - The Situation  - the Ace of Wands.   This card is the beginnings, it's passions, it's fire.  This card is about opportunities.  So here I am seeing a card that is telling me that there are opportunities on the horizon, and to be aware of things that are going on around you.   Don't be so focused on where you are that you're not checking out what surrounds you.   Allow the wind to take your ribbons and show you new things.

Crossing the first card -- things that can help or hinder:
The Hermit  -- the first of our Major Arcana in this situation.   The Hermit is a reminder that sometimes you need to take a moment to learn, meditate, be at peace with yourself, or seek out a teacher.   So when crossed with the Ace, it does seem to mean that improviing yourself can open up opportunities -- it might mean taking a few classes in an area of interest.

Second Card:  The Present.  The Six of Pentacles -- this is a card that I do like.  Who are you in the situation.  ARe you the man in green who is in a position to help others by sharing what he has, or are you the children who are receiving from the man in green.   This card is absolutely saying that there is bounty in both giving and receiving.  sometimes you give. and sometimes you have to let someone give to you. 

Present Clarifier 1 - The Lovers.  As is traditional, there is an angel between our lovers, but instead of standing between, this angel feels like she is the matchmaker who put them together.  The lovers is a card about partnership, despite the name.   Clarifying the Six of Pentacles, it does speak of the relationship between giving and receiving, the partnership of this action.  The ebb and the flow.

Present Clarifier 2 - The Empress.   As earlier stated, this is about creativity and fertility and nature.  How does she relate to the Six?   Perhaps what is being given is not money, perhaps it is knowledge or compassion.  While Pentacles are often thought of as representing money, the root of it is security.   The Empress is a very grounded individual.  She is nature and nurture.

Third Card:  The Present
Seven of Pentacles.   This is a card that I always feel represents a situation that is nearing fruition.   We see a farmer here standing next to a bush.  Is it time to harvest the crop, or should they bloom a little more.   This card is reminding us to look at where we are and evaluate whether or not we are ready to gather in our harvest.  It also may mean that you've gotten everything out of a circumstance (job, relationship, etc) that you can and that it is time to move.   A warning is that if you let the situation continue after it is time to gather the resources, they could dry up as well.

Present Card 2:  The Four of Pentacles.   This card always makes me think of a miser.   This is about holding onto things for far too long.  

As a clarifier to the Seven of Pentacles - this is a perfect card.   So in this situation, I would say that it is definitely time to gather the harvest, collect final data, or break free from relationships.   It's really important to evaluate why you're holding onto it ... is it emotional or logical?   

Present Card 3:  This is the Two of Pentacles -- so at this point, I'm very much feeling that the queerant really is focusing on security.  They don't feel secure or they are very risk averse because of a fear of losing security.  This would also mean refusal to leave questionable situations to move to more productive or fulfilling ones.  This person is very rooted.     However, the past -- this is balance.   There is a balancing act going on here.

Fourth Card: Near Future:  This is represented in the King of Swords.  The King of Swords is a wise man, who uses his knowledge for his people.   As a card, of the near future, this indicates that the querant is in a position where they could be asked to share knowledge, and is being encouraged to be generous with that knowledge, recoginzing that the knowledge used for the betterment of all is the best application.

Near Future clarifier 1:  the Three of Pentacles.  This is a card about cooperation, working with others.   Using multiple methods to learn.   Our card shows a man who is working with his cat familiar.  He is very focused on his task.   It's a great card in conjunction with the King of Swords, which is about using knowledge wisely.

Near Future Clarifier 2:  THe Knight of Wands.   I always see him as a bit impetuous   He may ride off without all of the information he needs, so this is something to consider.  Work with others, share your knowledge, but don't go off half-cocked

Fifth Card:  Outcome

Strength - Strength is pretty self explanatory.    Don't let worries or fears stop you from living your dreams.  You will only find the inner peace you're seeking when you test yourself and trust yourself.   Doubt will only lead to disatisfaction..

Crossing this:  Advice or Warning - Seven of Wands -- you might feel like everyone is against you, but you don't have to back down just because of this.  You can still fight for what you believe.   Remember, believe in yourself, and don't let the naysayers stop you from attaining your goal.

Word Count:  1518

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