Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Lovers         

The deck I am using today is the Impressionist Tarot by Arturo Picca and Corrine Kenner.   This is another Lo Scarabeo deck.   It's also another deck that belongs to my husband.

I'm glad it belongs to my husband because I don't care for it.

Being that this is a deck that explores impressionist art,  I expected that the LWB woule at least tell us who the artist was.   The guidebook does indicate that the artwork is by Arturo Picca.   However, it does seem like the artwork is inspired by artists of the impressionist movement, even if it was painted by Arturo Picca.   The book does not indicate anything about the  inspirational artwork.   That's very disappointing.   I guess I'm just supposed to know all of this information.   The suits do seem to represent a different artist.  Wands are Manet,  Cups are Monet, Swords are Van Gogh, and Pentacles are Degas.   The Majors have no mention of the inspiration.

What do I know about each of these artists?  Manet - honestly, not much.  Monet was pointalism.   Van Goh did a lot with broad strokes, and tended to use black very boldly.   Degas was ballerinas. 

The Lovers is a card about partnership, but not always about physical love, though it can be.   It's very similar to the Two of Cups, but I actually prefer the Two of Cups to the Lovers.   The Lovers is more "love" in the ideal.   It's kind of like that quote from Sleepless in Seattle:  "You don't want to be in love, you want to be in love in a movie." 

Looking at this Lovers card.  There are two people in the foreground and an exploding volcano in the background, in the posiiton which is usually held by an Angel.   They are holding hands, but there is a look of resignation on their faces, almost like they have dcided to accept the inevitable together.  It's not a look of growing old together, but it is about facing the storm together -- even if the odds are against you.  

The book that comes with this deck says:  "You're in a position to explore your options, or to reaffirm the choices you've already made.  Be careful what you wish for because you're more attractive than you know.  Make wise choices and think carefully before you make a commitment you cannot keep.   Key words:  love, desire, attraction, communication, duality, choice."

Yes, that's pretty standard for the Lovers card, in general; however, it doesn't suit THIS Lover's card's artwork.

The spread I am using today came from the LWB that comes with the Impressionist Tarot.   It's called "The Gallery of Dreams"

Cards 1 and 2 describe the crux of the situation - they are the ones located in the middle of each cross.

Card 1 = 5 of Wands - this is a card about conflict.    It's also about the importance of communication.   Three protestors face off against two policemen.  Everyone has their arms raised in anger.

Card 2 = Death - this is a card that always speaks to me about new beginnings.   The end of one thing and the beginning of another.

So the crux of the matter is a bit of difficulty.  Conflict and Endings.   This might be difficult to accept.

Cards 3 and 4 describe the highest ideals.  They are the cards on top.

Card 3 - 7 of Swords.  This card always makes me think of stealing away in the night.  Maybe it is making an escape.

Card 4 - The King of Pentacles.   This is a card about being secure and using your wisdom to help others into this position

These two in conjuction seem to indicate that perhaps the best thing to be most secure is to take a break.

Cards 5 and 6 are the lower two cards.   These represent the foundation of the problem or the reality of the situation

Card 5 - 6 of Swords  - This one is screaming about water under the bridge.  There is a boat that is sinking.  So in many ways, it's indicating a bit of a lack of security in a foundation

Card 6 - 8 of Swords - This card is about feeling trapped; however, it's more along the lines of looking for an alternate solution whenever you feel like you're trapped or in a position where you don't see any way out.   Keep looking.

(If you're wondering about the preponderance of swords, I shuffled the deck for the first time today)

Cards 7 is the far left card.  It is representative of the recent past.

Card 7 - 9 of Pentacles - This one is about being at the right place at the right time.   Taking advantage of a situation that presented itself.

Cards 8 and 9 are the two middlemost cards. They reflect the present moment and how it is trending to the future.

Card 8 - Queen of Pentacles.  Queens are the emotional/emotive cards in the court cards.  Pentacles being security.  It's about being grounded.   So this is a card that represents someone who knows who she is and is grounded in that knowledge.   She does not buckle to outside pressures.

Card 9 - Queen of Swords.  Swords are about thoughts.   So this person is able to use her thoughts and emotions together.  I like to think of the Queen of Swords as Xena.   She's Wonder Woman.  She is a powerful, strong woman who is secure in who she is.   Very strong cards.

Card 10 - This reveals the most likely outcome.  The Lovers, the card of the day.   given That it is about being resolute in commitents, this is actually making some sense along with the reading as a whole.

The reading as a whole is indicative that there is change coming and it's going to take some strength and courage, which I possess, to exercise.  I should be resolute.

Word Count:  980

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