Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12 - Short Thoughts

Beginning Word Count:  22,730

The Faces in the Wind

In the beginning, there was nothing.  A void filled the great expanse.  There were no stars or moons.   A spark appeared.  Just a small one, barely there.   But it grew, and flickered, in the infinite dark.

And the darkness was made less.

The spark danced through the expanse, and sparks grew and spread.   Lights flickered and grew.  More lights came, and darkness was filled. 

As the lights flickered, the wind was born.  It became stronger and danced throughout the lightening void.  The lights flickered stronger, and sang.   Music filled the void, giving it form.

And the Wind rejoiced and flew faster through the forming void.  And the song grew.

As the song grew, the form took shape.

And the skies were formed.

Clouds rode the waves of the wind, and the Wind rejoiced and blew faster.

And the music became more, and the form took shape.

And the lands were formed, with the waters.  And the Tree.

And the Wind stopped in awe.

The Tree stood alone on a hill, branches flowing with leaves and flowers, giving off fragrance.
And the Wind was entranced.  He blew around her, mingling with her branches and tickling the leaves, causing the air to fill with the laughter of the Tree.

And birds took shape and flew on the Wind, filling the air with their song.

The Song took shape and painted the hills with color, and thus started the cycle of life:  with music and joy and laughter.

So, that was a short piece.  It was sort of inspired by my drive in to work this morning.  The wind was blowing and the leaves were swirling all around the car as I drove down the road.   I have a really beautiful commute, to be honest.  Even though I live in a sizeable city, the roads that I drive to work are lined with ancient trees.  And at this time of year, they are all changing their colors and the trees are giving the appearance of fire.   It's beautiful.

But when it is windy, it seems even more alive than usual.

I could almost see faces in the swirling leaves as I drove past them, dancing spirits beckoning the morning.

Today's word count is going to be low.  I do apologize.

Today's Word Count:   382
Total Word Count:  23,112

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