Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Magician

The Magician

Illustrations from the Tarot of the Cat People reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902.  c. 1985 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Today's card is the Magician.  I'll be honest here -- it's not my favorite interpretation of the Magician.  This magician seems to be cloaked in mystery.  He's wearing a mask which covers his face, and thus hides him from view.  He appears to be wearing an oversized wig/headdress.  His robe encompasses him entirely, obscuring the very shape of his body.  His entire person is covered, leaving us with the mystery of who he is.   As is traditional, the infinity symbol floats above his head, almost as if summoned by his wand in his right hand.   The sword, cup, and pentacle float above the floor, commanded by his left hand.   The cat in this card is drarfed by the oversized annonymity of the Magician.

When I look at this card, I don't see creativity.  I see control.  I see energy.  It feels like the Magician is trying to control all of the elements, but because he is so cloaked and hidden, the motivation for that control is questionable.  That isn't the normal feel of this card, and it is a strong indicator of why this is not one of my favorite artistic impressions of the Magician.   Ordinarily, this card is about creativity, willpower.  

One thing that is interesting about the book that comes with the deck is that the meanings are very much about the duality of human nature.   Willpower overdone can lead to domination.   The book here indicates meanings as varied as originality, creativity skill, willpower, control, deception, sleight of hand. 

The spread I chose for today is the Elemental Spread.   Each card is representative of an element.

Right from the start, I see that I have two cups, one sword, one wand, and one Major Arcana.  Two of the five are court cards.

Card One, Earth - this is about the physical realm, what grounds and keeps secure.   This is the King of Cups.   The suit of cups is the water element, or the suit of emotions.   So we have Water in Earth.   By having a cup in this position, it is indicative that part of security is emotional stability.   The King of Cups is about having that command and knowledge, which further supports the command of emotions bringing security.  

Card Two, Air - this is about the mental realm, thoughts and creativity.  The card here is the Five of Swords -- so it is an Air card in and Air spot, reinforcing the importance of thoughts.   The five of swords in this deck is very differently imagined.  Usually, the card reflects three people, one in the forefront and two leaving.  All have discarded their swords.  However, in this card, there are four swords seemingly mounted on a wall and the protagonist is holding one in a relaxed position, while two cats look at him in awe.   This card indicates that one should be careful of the battles one engages in, and the manner in which victory is earned.  Do you win the battle and lose the war?   In a position regarding the mental realm, particularly when it relates to creativity, it could mean that sometimes fighting to get through the mental block may not be the best way to handle things.

Card Three, Fire - this is about passions, the things that drive you.   The card here is the Magician.  Because this is the only Major Arcana in this spread, I feel that this is an indicator that this may be an important key for this reading.   It is also fitting because the element being held by the Magician is the wand, the Fire Element.   The Magician thinks he can control his passions; however, Passions must be tempered by thought and emotion and security.  Letting any one of them be the strongest weakens the person as a whole.   Passion allowed to run unchecked can lead to troubles; emotions left unchecked can weaken one.  Too much time spent in thought or creativity leads one to neglect other things.  And focusing only on security can cause one to not take any risks.   Only when all of these are in balance can one really achieve greatness.

Card Four, Water - This card is about emotions.   The card here is the page of cups.   Again, water in water, doubling the power of the emotions in this spread.  The Page here is calm, relaxed, easy.  Greeting the day wth patience.   This is showing a serenity and peace.

The final card Represents the element of Spirit.   Here we have the Nine of Wands.  This is about passions, and it is a card that reflects inner strength.

Word Count 793

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